إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

سهلنا عليكم شراء وتوصيل المقاضي مع تطبيق مقاضي (Megathy) , فقط ثلاث خطوات ومقاضيك عند باب البيت في خلال ساعه او في الوقت الي تختاره.حاليأ نخدم منطقتنا الشرقيه في الخبر, الظهران والدمام.
1. اختر المقاضي.
2. حدد موقعك في الخريطه.
3. اختر وقت التوصيل خلال ساعه فقط او حسب الوقت الي تختاره واستلم المقاضي عند باب بيتك.
سهلنا عليكم طريقه الدفع, ادفع كاش او باستخدام البطاقه البنكيه عند استلام المقاضي.
تطبيق مقاضي هو مساعدك الخاص لشراء و توصيل المقاضي.

Download now the most advanced on-demand grocery delivery app (Megathy) in the eastern region in Saudi Arabia. Megathy is considered to be world-class on-demand grocery app developed for your convenience. Megathy was built and developed for your comfort, and capable of delivering your groceries instantly in less than an Hour time or scheduled date and time. Megathy gives you the flexibility to pay by cash or credit card. We utilize up-to-date live maps to determine your exact location to ensure quality delivery. Our trained professionals will receive your order, collect your grocery, and delivery it to your doorsteps.

-> Are you busy at work and need your grocery to arrive at your doorsteps when you reach home? Download Megathy app right now, and leave the rest for Megathy.
-> Relax at home and select your grocery from Megathy app.
-> Forget the long lines and wait, we are living in a new era, it is the era of comfort.
-> Forget looking for a parking lot in the supermarket
-> Save around 30% by buying your groceries online instead of buying items that you did not intend to buy when you are leaving the store.
-> Pick the exact date and time to receive your grocery
-> Select scheduled orders
-> View the status of your order
-> Propose new items that you wish to buy, and we will make sure to avail it to you.
-> Contact our customer care center at any time.
-> Megathy app has it all, Just relax and leave the rest for us.